Hi! I’m Carolyn Briscoe! The idea of menopause has long held negative connotations in our society, largely tied to stigmas of aging, but the transition to menopause can be a time of reflection and inspiration. It’s a normal and natural part of a woman’s life, and a period of life that can be just as well lived as earlier stages.
Menopause is a time of great change and it’s a time of choice and should really be about finding out what we want. What I wanted was to know why I was gaining weight and what to do about it. After a lot of research and having conversations with my doctor and a registered dietician, I’m down 56 pounds and I didn’t have to give up the foods I love or spend hours in a gym. I feel great and look great! When incorporated into well-balanced meals, these superfoods in the smoothies, can promote heart health, improve energy levels and may reduce the effects of aging.